Friday, June 26, 2009

The Lady by the Window

Ang Babae sa Bintana, 2009
Oil on plywood
8x6.5 inches

I almost destroyed this piece in its early stages due to frustration.
A few deep breaths and a day of detachment
brought me back on track.
I'm quite glad I kept it alive.

It's a portrait study using Anders Zorn's limited pallete.
Black, White, Yellow ochre and Vermillion.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Texture Study

Dried Squid 2009
oil on canvas
2.5X3.75 inches

Best served grilled and dipped in spicy vinegar!
And San Miguel Beer, of course!

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The next life

The Jar, 2009
oil on canvas
2.5X3.75 inches

A mayonaise container reincarnated as a jar of thinner.
Anders Zorn Pallete: vermillion, yellow ochre, black and white.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009


Exposed, 2009
oil on canvas
2.5X3.75 inches

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

onions and garlics

Sauté partners, 2009
oil on canvas.
2.5X3.75 inches

The last one, 2009
oil on canvas.
2.5X3.75 inches

I used to be scared by still life painting before, because I didn't trust my eyes and instincts back then. But I'm getting used to it now. It's liberating. I'm beginning to like doing still life setups. it allows me to control the scene. look at it at different angles, experiment with lightings, change elements or backgrounds and generally get the feel of the objects' characteristics that i can't get from photographs.

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