Sunday, May 24, 2009

Van Gogh and Rembrandt

Two new MiniMasters
Van Gogh and Rembrandt
Both self portraits

Van Gogh 1889 copy
oil on canvas
1.8X2.5 inches

View original

Rembrandt 1629 copy
oil on canvas
1.8X2.5 inches

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Micro Painting

Mona Lisa Copy
1.8 x 2.5 inches
oil on canvas

I wanted to see how small i can go.
And came up with this very tiny painting.
My smallest painting yet.
Its smaller than a credit card.

Its so small it could fit in my hand!

It took me an hour and a half to finish.
Not including the preparation of the tiny (and very cute) canvas.

This was so much fun to do.
I'll definitely do a lot of these.
A series of Micro Masterpieces perhaps?

I'll try maybe a Rembrandt next time.
Or a Caravaggio.
Or a Luna.

Or maybe a Mijares?

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shadows in the Playground

Shadows in the Playground, 2009
oil on canvas
8X5 inches
click image to view large

Flemish technique study is now in limbo. I've lost the enthusiasm and patience I needed to be able to continue with it.

Im going back to basics again. Ala prima style. This is one of the series of small paintings I'm planning to do in the next few months. I'm going small. This way, I'll be able to finish a painting in one sitting. Thus eliminating the possibility of laziness. Because I've discovered that every time I leave an unfinished painting, my energy and obsession on it decreases . Up to the point where I wouldn't wanna touch it anymore. I have about 4-5 unfinished paintings at home. Floating in limbo. I'll finish them someday.

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